Custom OpenAI

Custom OpenAI

API reference: (opens in a new tab)

CodeGPT provides integration with most cloud providers that are OpenAI API compatible, such as, Grok, Anyscale, and others, as well as the option to customize your own setup.

Getting Started

Before you begin, please ensure you are familiar with the basics of REST API (opens in a new tab) principles.

Chat Completions

In this example, we'll use Groq to power our messages and commands.

  • Navigate to the plugin's settings via File > Settings/Preferences > Tools > CodeGPT > Providers > Custom OpenAI.
  • Choose Groq from the Preset template dropdown.
  • Verify that everything is configured correctly and that the connection is successful.
  • Click Apply or OK to save the changes.

Code Completions

Groq doesn't provide an LLM that supports fill-in-the-middle (FIM) completions, but you can use StarCoder 16B via the Fireworks API. CodeGPT already provides the preset template for Fireworks, so all you have to do is obtain the API key and apply it in the dedicated field.
